Yoga Journal: Natasha’s signature method of designing a satisfying practice was featured in Master Class: 4 Foolproof Steps to Sequencing an Advanced Pose
Yoga Journal: As part of Yoga Journal’s Master Class, Natasha was interviewed in the November 2017 article Meet your next teacher: Natasha Rizopoulos.
LA Yoga Magazine: Natasha was the cover story in the 2016 article, “Great Expectations with Natasha Rizopoulos”
Boston Globe: Natasha was featured in the October 2010 article “What happened to yoga?”
Body & Soul Magazine: “Teacher Natasha Rizopoulos …is serenity personified. She seems to float from post to pose, speaks in a soft, hypnotic voice, and slips frequently in to Sanskrit, but her instructions are down-to-earth, practical and clear.”
Chicago Tribune: “Natasha Rizopoulos is a wonder to watch.”
Gloss: Natasha was featured in “5 Questions to Gloss On with Natasha Rizopoulos.”
Integral Yoga Magazine: Natasha discussed the benefits of a regular practice of Yoga and how obstacles to a consistent practice of Yoga can be overcome in their Fall 2011 issue.
St. Louis Post Dispatch: “Many yogis consider the Yoga Journal the definitive source on all things yoga. So, you might expect the Journal’s new three part video series to be equally definitive, and you won’t be disappointed.
Rizopoulos has obviously been doing yoga for quite some time (her movements are so fluid the sessions almost seem like ballet) but she’s also a conscientious instructor. This well-filmed and well-explained video is a must for anyone considering taking up yoga.”
Arkansas Democrat Gazette: “This video is excellent…Rizopoulos is a marvelous teacher – her instructions are detailed and the demonstrations invaluable.”
LA Yoga Magazine: “Rizopoulos demonstrates exacting and nearly flawless knowledge of alignment.”
Denver Post: “Yoga videos have been on the market for decades but none quite like ‘Yoga Journal’s Yoga Step-by-Step’ three tape series. These start at the very beginning… and slowly build until students are left standing on their heads…. ‘Do your yoga today so you can do it tomorrow…’ [says Rizopoulos]. With ‘Yoga Step-by-Step,’ that process becomes easier.”
Time Out New York: “These three introductory DVDs from Yoga Journal are user friendly, they’re responsibly instructed and they provide a variety of options for length and level of practice.”
Real Simple Magazine: “Cream of the Crop of exercise videos.”
Yoga Journal: Natasha was featured on the cover of the September-October 2003 issue.
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